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MARK DANIELS  -  Adviser on visitor and occupational health and safety at

historic buildings, parks, gardens, coast and countryside


 ©  Mark Daniels 2020


News items to follow


FISA - Managing health and safety in forestry


Apollo theatre ceiling collapse - no PR


Farmer in Newark fined for fire safety offences in relation to holiday cottages


Estate owner fined after fatal ATV overturning


Farmer prosecuted after lorry driver electrocuted on OHPLs


This page aims to include occasional news of interest to those involved in visitor safety management and health and safety in the rural sectors. This might include new guidance from the Health and Safety Executive or other organisations, information about accidents or incidents, or the results of criminal or civil law cases of interest and relevance. For prosecutions, the main source material is HSE's press releases - the organisation on the receiving end may see things somewhat differently. News of published guidance from the VSCG (Visitor Safety in the Countryside Group) and the NTSG (National Tree Safety Group) is on a different page, given its significance.

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