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MARK DANIELS  -  Adviser on visitor and occupational health and safety at

historic buildings, parks, gardens, coast and countryside

Work completed in 2015

January and ongoing -- regular work providing technical advice and updates to the Woodland Trust on relevant occupational and visitor safety issues.


January and ongoing -- an agreement is in place with the Historic Houses Association (HHA) for the provision of health and safety advice to its members, and to the HHA centrally.


January - September -- work for the Visitor Safety in the Countryside Group (VSCG) co-writing a new publication on "Managing visitor safety in the historic built environment".


January - July -- work for the Office of Public Works at Phoenix Park, Dublin, developing existing arrangements and plans for deer management.


March - May -- work for the Woodland Trust assisting with the recruitment process for a Health and Safety and Environmental Manager.


March - May -- work for the Woodland Trust and the National Trust, reviewing joint health and safety arrangements for partnership ownership and working at Fingle Woods, Devon.


March -- work for Craigengillan Estate, Ayrshire, reviewing health and safety arrangements and procedures.


April - August -- work for the Woodland Trust, helping to implement recommendations from the 2014 audit of their safety management system.


May - July -- work for Bignor Park, reviewing and advising on health and safety arrangements.


May - August -- work for Hever Castle, reviewing existing visitor safety arrangements and procedures and advising on improvements.


May - August -- work for Fairlight Hall, reviewing and advising on health and safety arrangements.


July - November -- work for the Forestry Commission and Natural Resources Wales, reviewing the Master Agreement for motorsports with the Motor Sports Association.


September -- preparation and delivery of health and safety training for the Weald and Downland Museum's MSc courses in Building Conservation and Timber Building Conservation.


August - October -- work for the solicitors Weightmans, providing an opinion relevant to their work for a client potentially subject to enforcement action from a health and safety enforcing authority.


October - November -- work for Hever Castle, reviewing existing policy and safety arrangements  and advising on improvements.


October - December -- work for the Landmark Trust, reviewing existing health and safety policy and arrangements.


November -- work for the National Maritime Museum, providing advice on visitor safety and historic architectural features.


December -- work for Auckland Castle Trust, reviewing existing health and safety arrangements.

VSCG logo
Craigengillan logo
Fairlight Hall logo
Bignor Park logo
Weald and Downland Museum logo
Landmark Trust logo
Auckland Castle Logo v1

 ©  Mark Daniels 2020

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