MARK DANIELS - Adviser on visitor and occupational health and safety at
historic buildings, parks, gardens, coast and countryside
Work undertaken in 2019
January and ongoing -- regular work providing technical advice and updates to the Woodland Trust on relevant occupational and visitor safety issues. This involves occasional site visits, writing case studies and producing a quarterly H&S newsletter.
January and ongoing -- an agreement is in place with Historic Houses for the provision of health and safety advice to its members, and to Historic Houses centrally.
January and ongoing -- acting as Health and Safety Adviser for the Landmark Trust, and undertaking work to implement improvements to health and safety arrangements. This involves writing guidance, undertaking site visits, providing advice and dealing with technical queries.
January - March -- work for the Commissioners of Irish Lights, completing visitor safety risk assessments for 7 lighthouses in Wicklow, Wexford, Cork, Kerry and Clare.
January - April -- work for BNP Paribas acting for EDF Energy, undertaking a visitor safety risk assessment for the Dungeness Estate.
March - July -- work for Leonardslee Lakes and Gardens advising on visitor safety arrangements and undertaking a visitor safety risk assessment.
May - July -- work for EDF Energy, advising on visitor safety on the Sizewell Estate.
May - November -- work for the Plumpton Rocks estate, advising on visitor safety and undertaking a visitor safety risk assessment.
June - July -- work for Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, advising on aspects of visitor safety.
June - July -- work for Waters Chartered Surveyors, advising on safety in the countryside at premises in East Stoke, Dorset.
September -- commenting on draft of revised Visitor Safety Group (VSG) publication "Managing visitor safety in the countryside".
September - December -- work for Prestwold Hall, advising on visitor safety and undertaking an audit.
November - December -- work for the Royal Victoria Hotel, Llanberis, advising on visitor safety (woodland garden and estate).

© Mark Daniels 2020